Elevate Your
Brand Online

At Wayve Communications, we empower businesses to achieve their marketing goals through a tailored approach that encompasses influencer marketing, social media management, and social media advertising. Our team of specialists possesses in-depth expertise in collaborating with hotels, resorts, and restaurants. . We are committed to fostering long-lasting client relationships by delivering exceptional service, transparent communication, and quantifiable outcomes.

About Wayve Communications 

Hospitality digital marketing agency specializing in social media management, influencer marketing and tikok and instagram advertising for hotels and restaurants.

  • Social Media Power: We harness and maximize the potential of major social media platforms.
  • Influencer Marketing: We connect with influencers to extend the reach of your brand.
  • Targeted Advertising: We create targeted advertising campaigns on Instagram and TikTok.
  • Emotional Engagement: We design campaigns that drive emotional engagement and social sharing.
  • Time-Sensitive Action: Our campaigns trigger time-sensitive action with our target audience.

The result is influencer marketing that can drive far higher audience reach and conversion rates than other marketing channels.

Social Media Services

Our wide-ranging digital media services are crafted to assist restaurants, hotels, resorts, alcohol brands, and jewelry companies in attracting more customers and fostering a potent brand reputation. Let's take your brand on an advantaged digital journey.

Social Media Management

Cultivate a vibrant online presence that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement.

Influencer Marketing

Forge meaningful connections with influential figures who align with your brand's values and objectives.

Social Media Ads

Craft targeted ad campaigns that generate ROI and amplify your brand's reach.

Our Partners

We cater to upscale businesses in various industries, including restaurants, hotels, resorts, and wine/spirits. Our team of experienced marketing experts specializes in creating custom strategies to help businesses grow and reach their target audience. We focus on building long-term relationships with our clients by providing exceptional service, clear communication, and consistent results.

Azulik Tulum 

Soneva - Thailand

Giraffe Manor - Nairobi


STK NYC Rooftop

The Ocean Grill at the Setai

Our Portfolio

Showcasing Digital Success

We take pride in the successful digital projects we've done. Here are some of our most impactful campaigns.

Azulik Tulum
Increased social media engagement by 300% within a quarter.
Ocean Grill
Doubled their dine-in customers through effective Instagram Ads.
Giraffe Manor
Went viral on TikTok with over 1 million views in a week.
Contact Us
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